What Are the Most Common Signs of Gingivitis?

Everyone has heard the term gingivitis. It’s everywhere and common in the Marysville and Smokey Point, WA areas. Inflamed gums may seem like a nuisance, but did you know it can progress into periodontitis if not treated? This is a gum infection that can damage the structure of your teeth.

Therefore, knowing the signs of gingivitis can save your teeth and keep your mouth healthy for years to come. Gingivitis can strike when plaque and tartar go unchecked. Here are the common symptoms of this easy to treat condition.

You notice gum bleeding. This may come with or without other symptoms. If you brush and floss and notice your gums bleed easily, it’s a sign to step up your oral hygiene, as you may have a lot of plaque causing inflammation. You may spit out blood when you brush, floss, or use a toothpick. This bleeding will come and go quickly and is often painless.

Your gums get puffy. Swollen gums should be easy to feel and notice. You may notice some soreness and tenderness as well, and your gums could redden or darken due to inflammation. Puffiness is usually found between teeth, where the gums meet the intersection. Tenderness can also occur while chewing food.

Gums Start Receding. No one wants to show the roots of their own teeth but receding gums do just this. When gums recede, you may also notice greater sensitivity to hot and cold foods or drinks. Another sign of receding gums can be teeth that feel loose in your mouth, or gums that seem to pull away from your teeth.

You struggle with bad breath. It’s hard to detect your own breath, but no one wants this embarrassing problem. If you find yourself relying on mints or other ways to keep your breath fresh, you may want to look at gingivitis as a potential cause. This is also true if you brush and cannot solve bad breath.

You’re suffering from tooth decay. This is a more advanced sign of gingivitis since it can also result from too many bacteria in your mouth and too much plaque.

Gingivitis can often be prevented with good oral hygiene such as bushing and flossing, which removes plaque twice per day. However, other risk factors such as age, some medications, diabetes, and smoking can increase your risk of gingivitis. That’s why it’s important to see your dentist twice per year to monitor the health of your gums.

If you still struggle with gingivitis, treatments are available to help with this condition before it progresses. Your dentist can prescribe an antimicrobial mouth rinse which will help remove bacteria. Other times, your dentist may perform scaling and root planning, which is a deep cleaning that removes plaque and tartar from under your gums. For any tooth damage, restoration work can help restore your smile.

Need More Help? Reach Out Today

Here at Seven Lakes Dental, we’re committed to your comfort and making your visit as satisfying as possible. Our dentists and staff care about our patient’s experience. Reach out to us if you’re in the Smokey Point or Marysville, WA areas if you have any concerns about this common condition or if you have gingivitis that’s difficult to treat.